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Chemical, Materials and Physical Analysis
Chemical, Materials and Physical Analysis
Chemical Analysis
Materials Analysis
Metallurgy and Failure Analysis
Physical, Structural and Microstructural Analysis
Materials Analysis and Failure Investigation
Analytical Techniques
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Index of Typical Support Work
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Instrument Selection, Method Development, Technology Transfer

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SEM/EDX Materials Failure InvestigationHigh quality chemical and materials analysis can generate insightful information that can solve a myriad of issues. LPD Lab Services has a diverse range of materials, and  chemical experience and coupled with a comprehensive range of laboratory analytical techniques. These can be applied to a wide range samples providing customers with easy to understand information to give them the answers they need to solve quality issues or reduce costs.

A combination chemical and materials analysis plus physical structure investigations can provide a true picture of how a product functions or a process operates. The laboratory's experienced staff are able to pull all this information together to provide advice in a down-to-earth language the customer understands.

Chemical Analysis

introduces the chemical analytical instrumentation and classical chemisty techniques available, applications and capabilities of the laboratory for raw material analysis, contaminant investigation, quality control and solving problems.  Samples can be solids, liquids and gases.

Materials Analysis

Materials Analysis provides an introduction to the technical capabilities and services offered by LPD Lab Services for raw material and products analysis or investigation.  The analytical techniques are used to improve quality and manufacturing processes or solve problems. 

Metallurgy and Failure Analysis

Metallurgy relates to extraction of metals from their ores, refining crude metals, producing alloys, shaping and the manipulation of properties. Metallurgy involves examination and characterisation of the structure of metals and alloys as well as failure investigation.

Physical, Structural and Microstructural Analysis

Analysis of physical properties and inspection of structure and microstructure of chemicals, materials and assembled products to better understand the make-up of product or components for reverse engineering, failure investigations or root cause problem solving.

Materials and Chemical Analytical Techniques

Physical structure, mechanical properties, material analysis and chemical analytical methods. This section details the techniques, capabilities and applications available in the laboratory.

Instrument Selection, Method Development and Technology Transfer

Instrument consultancy service to generate cost effective client projects and staffing when suitably experienced staff are hard to recruit or not needed full time for complex tests. This offers the opportunity to employee less experienced staff or routinely outsource the measurement and quality control activity, with ongoing lab support as required.

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