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Problem Solving
Typical Technical Expertise
Typical Technical Expertise
Interface Adhesion, Adhesives and Coatings
Composite Release Films and Mould Release Agents
Corrosion, Degradation and Oxidation
Galvanic Pitting and Crevice Corrosion
Plastics Rubbers and Coating Degradation
Pharmaceutical Particle Counting
Particle Contamination Identification
Particle Identification Methodology
Materials, Product and Process Reverse Engineering
Chemical Product Deformulation and Reformulation
Electronic Devices and PCB Failure Investigations
Chemical Cleaning, Degreasing and Rinsing
Surface Preparation, Chemical Etching, Electrochemical and Pickling Processes
Paint, Adhesive, Sealant and Gasket Filler Fingerprinting
Thermionic Emission - Cathode and Source Development
Electronic Cigarette Chemical Evaluation
Index of Typical Laboratory Support Work

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This page provides links to a glimpse of some of the technical areas where LPD Lab Services have particular experience and a brief guide where and how the laboratory can be of help.

Interface Adhesion, Adhesives and Coatings

Manufacturing often requires two or more dissimilar materials to be robustly joined. In paint and coating systems, adhesives, welding, printed packaging or holographic films and composite materials the interface where the materials meet is as important as the bulk materials. Understanding how and why interfaces fail is critical for ongoing business.

Composite Release Films and Mould Release Agents

Poor adhesion between dissimilar materials can be by design rather than misfortune. Mould release of polymers and composite materials are typically either aided by materials formulation additions, die lubrication or intermediate release films.

Corrosion Degradation and Oxidation

Materials are attacked by the environment shortening their functional life without the correct protection or by inappropriate design. This includes aqueous corrosion, high temperature oxidation in addition to degradation.

Galvanic Corrosion, Pitting and Crevice Corrosion

Corrosion in water containing environments can be the result of disimilar materials being in contact giving galvanic corrosion or within a single metal type by pitting of crevice corrosion driven by different local oxygen concentrations all promoted the presence of aggresive ions.

Plastics, Rubbers and Coating Degradation

Plastics, rubbers and paint coatings can suffer from degadation due to the environment they are exposed to or due to poor chemical compatability.  Failures can be promoted by poor formulation choices.  The mechanisms of failure can be determined with sufficient expertise to interpret the significance of the analtical findings. 

Particle Counting for Pharmaceutical Industry

Measurement of types, sizes, shapes of particles on various substrates with particular emphasis on the pharmaceutical industry’s need for product validation.

Particle / Contamination Identification

Identification of unknown particulates or dusts within products or processes.. Contamination can occur in many types of industry, we can offer help from a quick assessment to a comprehensive type matching exercise to identify the particles and their likely source.

Particle Identification Methodology

This section describes how the laboratory systematically identifies particles and tracks them back though the customers process to the source and ultimately eliminate the problem.

Chemical Product Deformulation and Reformulation

Deformulation of chemical products to determine their composition, how they are manufactured and substitute or improve recipes to stimulate or improve the products performance.

Materials, Product and Process Reverse Engineering

Detailed physical and chemical reverse engineering of products and processes to determine how and what they have been made of for patent infringements and competitor analysis reasons to steer customer’s product development activities.

Electronic Devices and PCB Failure Investigations

Determination of physical faults (e.g. Short Circuits, Open Circuits); Reverse engineering of product and manufacturing process,  identification of unknown contamination and recomendations of containment actions and problem solutions.

Chemical Cleaning, Degreasing and Rinsing

Diagnosing and eliminating product and process contamination including those following cleaning, degreasing and subsequent rinse processes is often vital.  Contaminants can be layers, stains or particulate in nature and the laboratory can highlight the root cause as well as recommend remedial actions and process change solutions.

Surface Preparation, Chemical Etching, Electrochemical and Pickling Processes

Chemical and electrochemical treatments are used for a  variety of reasons so their performance and stability during application and as the resultant surface can be critical for function, operation life and even in terms of downstream process interactions.

Paint, Adhesive, Sealant and Gasket Filler Fingerprinting

Plastics and rubbers normally contain inorganic filler materials.  Their particle physical, size, shape, chemistry and volume fractions provide excellent fingerprint for the material for traceability. 

Thermionic Emission - Cathode and Source Development

Independent centre for design, consultancy and support for applications using electron emission and electron optics. Provide expertise involving thermionic oxide cathodes or impregnated / dispenser cathodes for use in Klystrons, Travelling Wave Tubes (TWT), Magnetrons, X-ray sources, CRT, head up displays, valves.

Electronic Cigarette Chemical Evaluation

Chemical analysis of the nicotine solutions used in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) to determine concentrations and purity.

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