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FTIR Microscopy and High Magnification ATR-FTIR
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FTIR Microscope microscopic ART-FTIR and NIR instrumentFTIR Microscopy at LPD Lab Services extends the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry capability particularly for identifying organic chemicals and materials to smaller samples and features in a whole range of applications, but can also characterise some inorganics. The laboratory FTIR Microscope that incorporates a number of unique tools including ATR imaging system that enables the collection of high resolution infrared images of extremely small samples or tiny localised contaminants to visualise the composition of materials based on FT-IR spectral data. ATR-FTIR mapping collects a spectrum for each pixel in the image. The image is created using the intensity at any IR wavelength or combination of wavelengths. This allows the distribution of chemical species to be seen allowing different compound location and types to be identified.

FTIR map polyethylene in atrificial corkExample uses include paints, adhesives, resins, polymers, fibres, coatings and drugs. It is a particularly useful tool in isolating and characterising organic contamination.

Typical Applications of FTIR Microscopy and High Magnification ATR FTIR


FTIR Microscope, FTIR and NIR Spectrophotometer Instrument

Details of the state of the art FTIR Microscope instrument, ATR-FTIR and NIR Spectrophotometer at LPD Lab Services for small and large sample analysis.

Principles of FTIR and NIR Spectrophotometry and Preparation

Capabilities of the FTIR technique, its principles based on chemical bond natural frequency of vibration. Details of sample preparation procedures used at LPD Lab Services to prepare solid, liquid and gas samples even when samples available are very small.

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